Legal Notice

Privacy Policy
According to § 13 Article 1 German Teleservices Act (TMG), the provider of a teleservice has to inform his users at the beginning of the utilisation process, regarding type, extent and purpose of survey and use of personal data in a general and understandable form. The contents of the notification must be retrievable at any time for the user. Each company is obliged to inform the user on gathered or used person-related data.


Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH places the greatest importance on security of user data and compliance with data protection regulations. Survey, processing and use of personal data is subject to the regulations of the currently valid applicable laws and the EU Data Protection Directive. Considered as personal data according to Article 4 No. 1 DSGVO (EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)) are all information referring to an identifiable or identifiable natural person.


Individual circumstances: For example – name, address, e-mail address, birthday, nationality, occupation, health data, religion, etc.
Factual circumstances: For example – income, financial situation, property, etc.

Data privacy statement

Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH ensures that the accumulated user data are merely surveyed, processed, saved and used related to the processing of user inquiries, and for internal purposes only.

Data transfer to third parties

No data transfer takes place to third parties without the consent of the person concerned or without statutory basis. 

Data transfer – SSL encryption

On this website is used a 256-bit-SSL (AES 256) cryptographic technique. User data are exclusively transferred cryptographically secured. This includes the IP address of the user.


Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH makes use of cookies. Cookies are small text files, which are locally saved in the cache of the user’s web browser. The cookies facilitate recognition of the web browser. The data are used for helping the browser to navigate through the website, and to use the full extent of all functions.
This website uses: browser cookies 

User control of the cookies

The user is able to adjust all browsers such that cookies are only accepted upon request. Likewise, by setting it is possible to accept only cookies of which the pages are currently visited. All browsers offer functions facilitating the selective deletion of cookies. The acceptance of cookies can also be generally switched off. However, then the possible restrictions in the ease of operation of this website have to be accepted.

Application of first-party cookies (Google Analytics Cookie)

Recording Google analytics cookies:

Unique users – Google Analytics Cookies captures and groups user data. All activities during one visit are summarised. By placing Google Analytics Cookies a difference is made between users and unique users.

User activities – Google Analytics Cookies do also save data of starting and end time of a website visit, and how many pages the user has looked at. When closing the browser or in case of a longer inactivity of the user (standard 30 minutes), the user session is terminated and the cookie registers the visit as finished. Furthermore are registered date and time of the first visit. Also is registered the total number of visits per unique user. External link:


The user can prevent recording of the data produced by the cookie and use of the data referring to the use of the website (incl. user IP-address) by Google, as well as processing of these data by Google, by downloading and installing the following link in the browser plug-in:
External link:


Further information can be found under paragraph “web analytics service Google Analytics / Universal Analytics”.

Lifetime of applied cookies

The cookies are managed by the web server of this website. This website uses:
Transient Cookies/Session Cookies (one-time utilisation process)
Lifetime: Until closing this website
Persistent cookie (permanent browser identification)
Lifetime: 30 minutes

Deactivating or removing cookies (opt-out)
Web analytics service Google Analytics / Universal Analytics

Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, text files, which are saved on the computer of the user, and which facilitate an analysis of the website use. The information generated by the cookie regarding the use of this website are usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA where it is saved. When activating the IP anonymisation on this website, the IP-address of the user however, is truncated by Google within member states of the European Union or other contractual states of the treaty regarding the European Economic Area.

The full IP-address is transmitted to a Google server in the USA where it is truncated only in exceptional cases. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use these information to evaluate the use of the website for compiling reports on the website activities, and render further services to the website operator in connection with the use of the website and the Internet. The IP-address transmitted from the user browser in the outline of Google Analytics is not merged with other data by Google. The user is able to impede that the cookies are saved with a corresponding setting in the browser software. However, Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH indicates that in this case possibly not all functions of this website can be entirely used.
Furthermore, Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH uses Google Analytics reports for recording demographic characteristics and interests.

In addition, the user can prevent recording of the data produced by the cookie and use of the data referring to the use of the website (incl. your IP-address) by Google, as well as processing of these data by Google, by downloading and installing the following link in the browser plug-in: Link:
Alternative to the browser plug-in or within browsers on mobile devices, the following link is valid for placing an opt-out cookie, which will impede in future recording by Google Analytics within this website (this opt-out cookie does only function in this browser and only for this domain, deleting the cookies in this browser, click again on the link): <a href=”javascript:gaOptout()”>Google Analytics disable</a>


Information regarding the incorporation of the opt-out cookie can be found via the following link:
Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH points out that the website Google Analytics is used with the extension “_anonymizeIp()” and the IP-addresses therefore are processed only in a truncated way precluding any direct personal identification.

Web analysis service Matomo (previously PIWIK)

On this website data are gathered and stored using the web analysis service software Matomo ( for marketing and optimisation purposes. From these data user profiles are created using a pseudonym, for which cookies are used. Cookies are small text files, which are locally saved in the cache of the site user’s web browser. The cookies facilitate recognition of the web browser. The data collected with the Matomo technology (including your anonymised IP-address) are transmitted to the server of Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH and are stored for purposes of analysing usage, which is important for the website optimisation by Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH. The information generated by the cookie in the pseudonym user profile are not used to personally identify the user of this website, and are not merged with person-related data from the carrier of this pseudonym. In case the user does not agree with storage and evaluation of this data from the visit to the website from Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH, and wishes to disagree in future, the user can impede use of cookies and therefore the participation in tracking. For this purpose the user can set his browser such that the user becomes notified about cookies being established, and can individually decide acceptance or to exclude the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or generally. In case of not accepting cookies the function of the website Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH can be restricted.

Web Analytics Service DoubleClick

In the context of using Google Analytics this website utilises the web analytics service DoubleClick, which allows to recognise the browser of the user while visiting other websites. The collected data are only evaluated for statistical purposes and in anonymised form. The information generated by the cookie regarding the use of the website from Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH are usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA where it is saved. Prior to transmission within member states of the European Union or other contractual states of the treaty regarding the European Economic Area, the IP-address is truncated by activating the IP-anonymisation.
Only in exceptional cases the IP-address is fully transmitted to a Google server in the USA before it is truncated there. The anonymised IP-address transmitted from the user browser in the outline of Google Analytics is not merged with other data by Google. DoubleClick cookies do not contain personal data.
The generated information are used for compiling reports about the activities  on this website, and to render further services in connection with this website. As far as required by law, Google transmits this information to third parties if necessary, or if third parties are processing these data by order of Google.

At any time the user has the choice to object for the future the tracking web analysis, or to deactivate the DoubleClick cookie. The extension required for the browser can be downloaded on the according Google website and installed. When using several terminals or browsers by the user, the opt-out must be executed for every terminal or browser. For this purpose the user can click on the following link:

Use of Google Maps

On the website of Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH is used Google Maps (API) from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). Google Maps is a web service for presentation of interactive maps for visually presenting geographical information. Already when calling those subpages the map of Google Maps is integrated, information about use of the website from Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH (as e.g. the IP-address of the user) is transmitted to the Google server in the USA where it is saved.

As far as required by law, Google transmits this information to third parties if necessary, or if third parties are processing these data by order of Google. Google will not connect the IP-address of the user with other data from Google. However, technically it would be possible that Google applies the user data received by using Google Maps for identification of the users, creating from this personal profiles of users, or processing and using these for other purposes, beyond the control of Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH. The terms of use from Google can be read under
The additional terms of use for Google Maps can be read under
Detailed information regarding data protection related to the use of Google Maps can be found on the Google internet page („Google Privacy Policy“):

If the user disagrees with the future transmission of his data to Google in the context of using Google Maps, there is the option to completely deactivate Google Maps web service by disconnecting the JavaScript application in the user browser. Then it is not possible to use Google Maps and therefore neither the map display on the internet page from Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH.

Google AdWords – Conversion-Tracking

The Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH website uses the online advertising programme “Google AdWords”, and Conversion-Tracking in the context of Google AdWords. The cookie for Conversion-Tracking is set if a user clicks on an advertisement placed by Google. Cookies are small text files, which are saved in your computer system. These cookies become invalid after 30 days and are not for personal identification. When the user visits this website and the cookie is still not expired, Google and Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH can identify that the user has clicked on the advertisement and was redirected to this page. Each Google AdWords user receives a different cookie. Therefore, it is not possible to trace cookies via the website of AdWords users.


The information obtained with Conversion-Cookies are used for creating Conversion-Statistics for AdWords users having decided for Conversion-Tracking. Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH learns the total number of users having clicked on their advertisement and were redirected to a page provided with a Conversion-Tracking Tag. However, Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH does not receive information used for personal identification of users. If the user does not want to take part in Tracking he can object this use by deactivating the cookie of the Google Conversion-Tracking in the web browser under user settings. Thereafter, the user is not included in the Conversion-Tracking Statistics. Further information regarding the data protection regulations by Google:


Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH uses Retargeting technology provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). This allows to purposefully address users of the Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH website who already showed interest for offers from Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH with personalised, interest-based advertising. Display of the advertising material takes place on the base of cookie-based analysis of the earlier usage behaviour, but without storing personal data. In cases of Retargeting technology a cookie is stored on the computer or mobile terminal of the user for recording anonymised data on interests, for matching the advertisement individually to the stored information. These cookies are small text files, which are saved in your computer or mobile terminal. As a result the user receives display of advertisement most probably matching the respective interests in product and information. The user is able to permanently object setting of cookies for ads preferences by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available via the following link:
More detailed information and the data protection regulations regarding advertisement and Google can be read here:

Use of social media

Functions relating to social media can be used on our website.
When calling one of these sites a connection can be established to the respective servers of the social media. These social media will be informed hereby that you have visited our website with your IP address. Should you now comment, like or twitter something, etc. and you are logged into your respective account at this time, it is if applicable possible for the social medium to allocate your visit to our website to you and to your user account. We would like to point out to you that we as the provider of the sites neither have any knowledge of the contents of the transmitted data, nor their use.

These services are provided by the following companies:

  • Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
  • Google+ Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
  • Linkedin Inc., 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
  • Twitter Inc., 1355 Market St., Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
  • Xing AG, Dammtorstraße 30, 20354 Hamburg, Germany
  • YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA
  • Kununu GmbH, Wollzeile 1-3 Top 5.1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
  • Vimeo LCC, White Plains, Federal State of New York, USA
  • Pinterest Europe Ltd., Palmerston House, 2nd Floor Fenian Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
  • Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025, USA
  • SoundCloud Ltd., Rheinsberger Str. 76/77, 10115 Berlin, Germany
  • Spotify AB, Birger Jarlsgatan 61, 113 56 Stockholm, Sweden
  • Tumblr, Inc., 35 East 21st St, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10010, USA
  • Myspace LLC, 8391 Beverly Blvd., #349, Los Angeles, California 90048, USA.


For the purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by the providers as well as their rights in this respect and setting options for the protection of your personal data please refer to the data protection notices of the respective providers:


If you do not want the respective social medium to be able to allocate the visit to our site to your respective account then you must log-out of the respective service before you visit our website.

Application of YouTube

Contained in the Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH website are functions of the service YouTube for display and playback of videos. These functions are offered by YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 4066 USA. More information can be found in the data protection guidelines from YouTube.
Here, according to provider information, the extended data protection mode is used, initiating saving of user information only after playback of the video/s. When starting playback of embedded YouTube videos, YouTube uses cookies for collecting information regarding the user behaviour. According to information of YouTube, these are used among others to record video statistics, to improve user friendliness, and to prevent abusive activities. Independent from playback of the embedded videos, a connection to the Google network “DoubleClick” is made each time the Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH website is opened, which can initiate further data handling processes without the influence of Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH.
Further details on the application of cookies from YouTube the user can find in the YouTube data privacy statement in:

E-mail security

The user agrees with electronic communication as soon as he opens the electronic contact with Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH. The user is informed that e-mails during transmission can be read or changed unauthorised and unnoticed. Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH uses a software for screening undesired e-mails (spam-filter). E-mails can be rejected by the spam-filter if these were identified erroneously as spam because of certain characteristics.

Right to information

According to Art. 15 DS-GVO, the user has a right to free information about his saved data, as well as a right to correction, blocking or deletion of these data (Art. 5 Abs. 1 d), e), Art. 12 and Art. 17-19 DS-GVO). Upon request, Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH informs the user in accordance with the applicable legislation in writing about the personal data of the user stored at Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH. This information is free of charge. 

User’s right of objection

As far as the user does not want any active data use for internal purposes by Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH, according to Art. 21 Abs. 2-4 DS-GVO,  the user has the right to contradict the use and processing at any time. This requires only to send an according e-mail to The particular case of data locking required by law instead of a data deletion according to Art. 17-19 DS-GVO remains unaffected. 

Data transmission and logging for system-internal and statistical purposes

For technical reasons, the web browser of the user automatically transmits data to the web server when accessing this website. Each data set consists of date and time of access, URL of the referring web page, file retrieved, quantity of sent data, type and version of browser, operating system and the IP-address of the user. It is not possible to assign these data to a particular person. The stored data is evaluated only internally and exclusively for statistical purposes.

Security by technical and organisational measures

For the security during processing of data according to Art. 32 Abs. 1 DS-GVO, Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH uses technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against random or deliberate manipulations, loss, destruction or access of unauthorised persons. The used safety measures are continuously improved according to the technological development.

Protection of minors

Any individual still not having reached the age of 16 years is not allowed to transmit personal data to Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH without the consent of the parents. Individuals still not having reached the age of 16 years are allowed to make personal information available to Niesmann+Bischoff GmbH only with express consent of the parents present, or these individuals have reached the age of 16 or more. These data are processed according to data protection declaration.

Trademark protection

Each company brand or trademark here mentioned is property of the corresponding company. Mentioning brands and names is made for sole informative purposes.

These legal detail and the declaration for data protection were created by:

Deutsche Datenschutzkanzlei Datenschutz-Office München –
Stefan Fischerkeller
Tel: +49 7542 / 94921-01